At 7:30 this morning, Elise, Amy and I joined others at the school to help with the registration process for a neighborhood VBS coming up in two weeks' time.

Children had lined up outside the gate as early as 5 a.m.

Many at the front of the line were familiar faces of children who come to our home asking for work!

Our co-worker, Barbara A. (on the right) had returned from her new assignment in the U.S. to coordinate and administer the VBS, along with many Christians from a local church which will host the event.

The girls and I helped to take photos of each child as part of the registration process.
We took photos of 204 children, and sadly, another 100 or more had to be turned away, since there was no more room.

After having their photo taken, they registered,

...were fitted for a t-shirt size, and given a packet of Bible verses to learn before coming to the VBS.

This was an important day for many children, who look forward to this event all year.
Josanne and Anna were near the end of the line,
relieved to have arrived in time to have a spot!
Please pray with us that the hearts of these children would be impacted by the Gospel, and that lives would be transformed as a result of His love and His grace!
WOW. That is SO sad that over 100 kids had to be turned away! That is heartbreaking! If only they could all be registered and they could hold 2 VBS's. Or if only the kids could come and fill up the vacant VBS spots in so many churches in America!
actually, they WILL be doing a second VBS a week later, so those children were encouraged to register for that in the afternoon at the church. i'm not sure yet what the status was on that registration - whether they had enough spots open for everyone or not.
What a meaningful VBS you will be doing! We will be praying for you all. Wish we could be there to help!
thanks for praying!
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