Bible Club has begun! Jeepneys were hired to pick up children from the surrounding neighborhoods to bring them to the church.
Michael, Elise and Amy hitch a ride on the one from our neighborhood.
At the church 200 children sort into groups of 20, picking up their name tags and
Michael, Elise and Amy hitch a ride on the one from our neighborhood.

hand-sewn water bottle carriers (that water is imperative in this hot, humid climate).

Then inside the church for a time of praise.
How wonderful to hear these children sing praise to God in their heart language!
How wonderful to hear these children sing praise to God in their heart language!

After singing and a Bible lesson, they join their respective groups to do the Bible Story-related craft.

Prizes are awarded for Bible memory work.
The notebooks they received today are one of the items they need to start a new
school year next month.

Our help was not really needed, since the church has staffed the club very well.
But it's an honor to come alongside,
to watch and listen,
to love the children,
to pray for them,
and to see God at work through His people.
My heart just melted looking at the smiling faces of these children and yours! We will be praying for these children's hearts to receive Him! THANK YOU for being there....
I was struck by the joy in the sweet faces of these children as they worship the Lord and desire to learn more of Him. They seem so delighted in a way we don't often see here! What a joy it is to see your sweet family ministering, sharing the joy and love of the Lord, and coming alongside to encourage the saints! We love you all and will pray for these children who are hearing about the Lord.
thanks for the encouragements! and thanks for your prayers, everyone. God's Word won't return void!
May the impact you are all having be far reaching.
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