In celebration of the end of school, a group of us spent Monday on a boat trip out to Talikud Island.
(our family is in the middle on the right)

As we prepared to launch, boys playing along the wharf had a great time diving off the outriggers

Mark and Amy enjoy a break from swimming at our first stop

The scenery and views were beautiful

Elise hangs out on the platform with a friend

Michael takes his turn cannon-balling off the side of the boat

These spiky sea stars were the prize for a little shallow-water diving
It was a refreshing, fun day!
"The sea is His, and He made it,"Ps. 95:5
Oh WOW!! Can I come???
YES!!! you can come!!! ;o) the question is...WILL you come?
The scenery is absolutely breathtaking! And the water is so clear! So glad to see that you are taking a little refreshing break!
isn't our God an amazing Creator? we were thankful for the time away from the city!
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