In a spot where we have no attic access, a mother cat has delivered her litter of kittens. For the past week we've heard them crying and mewing up there inside our ceiling.
One day the girls and I were walking to catch a jeepney when we heard mewing in the bushes by the sidewalk. We looked in, and sure enough, there was one of the kittens, eyes still closed, all alone outside the wall of the house. Well, we couldn't just leave her, so we took her home and kitten-sat her for a few days.

Pusa (Tagalog for Cat) was a tiny scrap of life. She ate a little, slept a lot, cried in the night, and loved to snuggle curled up in a cozy wrap. We knew that we couldn't give her all she needed. The kids watched Pusa's mother take three kittens out of our ceiling and over the wall to the house next door. So we left Pusa back inside her mother's gate knowing that would be her best chance for survival.

p.s. we've been told that we "might" have a phone line on Monday!
Awww! How sweet! I hope the kitten survived!
we hope so, too.
we've heard no more mewing in the attic for 24 hours - that could mean one of two things...
Did I tell you there is a stray cat under the house at Alan's work who had 4 kittens? Rebekah took one (as an outside cat) and loves it. Alan has patiently won over the mama cat with cream. She likes him now (wouldn't let anyone get close before).
hooray! at long last, Alan finally gets to have a cat again! i'm happy that Rebekah has a kitty now, too. :smile:
Yes, lucky for Alan! There is one kitten left (other employees took the others) and Rebekah wants it too. It is really elusive though--especially since it saw its siblings taken! Rebekah's kitten is an outside one--lives under the barn.
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