Wednesday, November 12, 2014

better than diamonds

Isko wakes while it's dark, and paddles out to sea 
where he gathers his morning catch of fish to sell at the market.  

On top of his basket of fresh fish, 
Isko places a packet, 
meticulously wrapped in plastic 
to protect it from the oils and smells of his catch.  

After laying out his wares in the market area, he sits back to wait for customers.  
And as he waits, he unwraps his packet, 
revealing a newly completed New Testament in Isko's native language 
which he eagerly reads during lulls in business. 

 "It's more precious than diamonds," Isko says.

 More to be desired are they than gold, 
even much fine gold
Psalm 19:10

*Isko is from the "E" people of S.E. Asia 

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