Sunday, July 17, 2011

in the end

 All too soon our time in the village came to an end.

Elise loved all the photo ops...nice shot, Lise.

fresh chicken for dinner anyone?

conversing via phrase book

Pak Agus the story teller

for our last night, the kids planned a bonfire and invited several friends

everyone had a great time, though more chocolate would have been welcome

meanwhile Barbara was crafting with friends

making posters with God's Word in the language of each person's heart

'we've never done anything like this before!'

'sometimes men can do it better!'

Aus worked for two hours, totally absorbed in crafting

It was a special way to end our time together.
We'll treasure the memories,
and the invitations to return.

1 comment:

Elysa said...

Aw---I love the crafting part. So great. And wish I could have sent you more of that requested chocolate! ;D