Back in February, we shared
here some of what our home assignment would entail.
It's not a vacation time for us,
so why would we up and leave our work in S.E. Asia
to spend these months back in the U.S.?
The following are some of the things we are working to accomplish during our time here:
*Helping our children to reconnect with their home culture. Our
children are getting to spend time with American peers, eat American
food, go to an American youth group, buy some American clothes, and use American libraries. They have
been able to learn practical information about cars and housing and
banking and colleges, and they've been able to re-learn basic skills like mowing the
lawn, and using a vacuum cleaner and a dishwasher.
Elise, Amy and Michael get some automotive introduction from Mark |
We're loving peaches and boxed cereal, milk, deli meats and cheese! |
Michael learns from Dad as Mark repairs a weed eater |
Amy takes a turn mowing... |
*Time for spiritual encouragement, reconnecting with family and friends, and service in our home country.
We spent lots of time with our family the first month or so, and now
have been reconnecting with so many dear friends here in the South.
It's been incredibly refreshing to sit under the sound of the Word - all
in our own language! And Mark has had opportunities to use his skills
to help people here.
*A time of training and preparation for our work in the future.
Mark is taking two courses, and I'm working on a study also that will
help us to more effectively do the work God has given to us overseas. I'm also homeschooling our children, who are into their 7th week of school now!
Mark spends a morning in study |
Amy and Elise use Bananagrams to practice Tagalog vocabulary |
Michael writes a history paper |
Amy works through a Pre-Calc equation |
*Continued long-distance service. Both of us continue to do work related to S.E. Asia via email while we are here in the U.S.
*An opportunity to share about God's work in S.E. Asia. We've
shared with many families, individuals, Sunday School classes, our
church leadership, and tomorrow at a Women's Brunch ♥ It's a privilege to
tell you about the work that you've prayed for and encouraged for so
*A time to rest. Yes, we are finding opportunities to enjoy time together, time to create, and time to enjoy the beauties around us.
Mark and Michael work a Dollar Tree puzzle! |
Elise relaxes with a good library book |
Amy has been writing and painting prolifically |
Mark and Barbara celebrated their 19th anniversary with a bike trip on the beach... |
it was absolutely fabulous!! |
*A season in which we continue to live by faith in God's provision for us.
We don't have a paying job during our home assignment, since it's just
another element of our regular work. But we are experiencing
God's continued faithfulness to provide for us through His people. Thank you for partnering with us!
Love the photos! Looking forward to seeing you!
yay!!! we're looking forward to it, too! ♥
What a great update! Thank you and God bless.
This is a great way to share what home assignment is like. I think so many people have no idea. BLESSINGS AND GRACE to you as you home school on furlough. I know what that's like!
That's a beautiful description of furlough - well said, as usual :-)
thank YOU for stopping by, Hank! :)
thanks so much, Olive Tree. i know you 'get this!' ;)
:) hi Joanna!
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