Tuesday, October 2, 2012

powers of good

Last Friday my family helped me to celebrate another birthday;
one more milestone along this path;
a spot to pause and look back with reflection 
on God's goodness through the year.

My girls went out for a special coffee with me...my first Pumpkin Spice Latte ever! ♥ yum!
What a celebration!  Even delicious Dominoes pizza!
And my two men serenaded me with a Happy Birthday duet...it was fabulous, guys!
Two stanzas of a poem written by Dietrich Bonhoeffer,
found in a biography I just finished on his life,
keep rolling around with all the reflections in my mind...

Powers of Good
 With every power for good to stay and guide me, 
comforted and inspired beyond all fear, 
I'll live these days with you in thought beside me, 
and pass, with you, into the coming year.

While all the powers of good aid and attend us,
boldly we'll face the future, come what may.
At even and at morn God will befriend us,
and oh, most surely on each newborn day!

-Dietrich Bonhoeffer, December 1944

                                     May we all celebrate His nearness with each newborn day!


The Church Cook said...

So sorry I missed your special day, BFF! Love you friend!!

us5 said...

you didn't miss it! you were just EARLY! ♥

Jessica Dearly Loved said...

Glad you got to read that book!!! Happy Birthday!

The Girls said...

I also missed your special day, friend! Please forgive me? I see that it was a gloriously happy day for you and I'm glad. Happy Birthday, a couple of weeks late!