Wednesday, April 17, 2013

a state of inelegance

Filipino summer is here,
which means temperatures are high;
with the heat index it's been reaching 104F every day,
and not cooling off much at night.

What dreadful Hot weather we have!—
It keeps one in a continual state of Inelegance. 
–Jane Austen

Jane knew what it was like to live in the heat without air conditioning!  
It's truly draining.

And to top it off, 
we're also having the first series of water outages that I can remember since 2010. 
These have been short-lived, between 1 and 4 hours, 
usually in the morning until noon.

After washing the breakfast dishes this morning, 
we found that the taps were again empty.

And now,  8 hours later, we're still without water.
The lunch dishes are still piled in the sink
(to the delight of the ants!)
at 4:30 in the afternoon,
and I'm beginning to wonder about creative solutions
for cooking dinner with no running water - 
in fact with little water at all.
(You can see all the empty water containers we've used up already by the sink,
though we are working to be very sparing.)

You don't want to use our bathrooms right now, either.

Have no fear - the water will come back on, and we'll be fine.

But the absence of water really truly does make the heart grow fonder.
I am more thankful for running water than I've ever been in my life.

Give thanks with me for the water from your tap today,
but even more, for the living water
and the gift of eternal life, satisfying the deep thirst of our souls!

Jesus answered her,
 “If you knew the gift of God,
 and who it is that is saying to you, 
‘Give me a drink,’ 
you would have asked Him, 
and He would have given you living water.
John 4:10


Choate Family said...

So true! In our village home, we live by the old adage, "If it's yellow, let it mellow..." And we are so much more grateful for water, running or otherwise, when it falls drip by drip from God's hand!

Judy said...

Wow! 8 hours and holding without water!! Something I just take for granted here! And it's not hot here either (47 degrees at present). Hope it came back on for you!!!

us5 said...

we definitely aren't the only ones with water issues! when i think of how much so many people in our world struggle with water supply, i know that we are incredibly blessed in comparison.

us5 said...

yes! the water came back on just after 5, and it was like finding an oasis in the desert. SO grateful for water!!!

Betsy de Cruz said...

Oh Barbara, I see the water came back on from your comment above! Heat and no water are a bad combination that I know well! May God give you joy and strength for those hot days!

Bonnie said...

A couple of weeks ago the water went off while I was in the middle of a load of laundry. Ick! Thankfully that was one of the short outages. Even so, I try to remind myself that we are so blessed to live in one of the few Asian cities that has safe drinking water flowing from of our taps! Well, when it does flow, anyway... :)

us5 said...

:) yes! i'm learning greater thankfulness for water as daily outages continue - every time that tap works, I give thanks!

us5 said...

hey Bonnie! it's fun to see you here! :aargh: no water in the middle of a laundry cycle is not a good thing!