Thursday, February 5, 2015

the other side of the world

As I write this, Mark is getting ready to wake up and begin his day in Nairobi, Kenya.
He's been in Africa almost two weeks now
at a translation conference. 

In his Skype message to me this morning, he wrote: 
What a great group of guys. It's such a privilege to be doing this work, 
and to be serving with men like this.

I've loved some of the photos he's shared with us, and thought you might enjoy them, too...

Of course, Mark is exploring this new surroundings on his morning runs, 
and he came across this sign one morning.
It's a little different than the signs in our neighborhood.

 Mark's enjoyed how friendly the children are, and how surprised to see him running by their homes!

 Yes, he's really on the other side of the world...

 ...and the personalized Coke bottles look a little different than the ones at Kroger.

 Mark wondered if the chickens were part of the payment,
or part of the cure?

 Thanks for your prayers for Mark, and for the others he's working with during this conference.
We'll share more in the near future about the trip!

"Reading the scripture in another language is like eating a banana with the skin on. 
Now the scripture in my language is satisfying . . . 
like a sweet banana. I can't get enough of it!"
-recipient of a newly-translated NT...


thechurchcook said...

What beautiful photos! I love the one of the boy with striped socks and flip flops; combination that JH would wear! :)

Rosalie said...

Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Great pics. Thanks for sharing.