Friday, July 9, 2010

where two or three

This is the group of believers we have been worshiping with.
For years they met here, in the carport of the home of one of the families who attends.

They are a sweet group of people, and have been warm and hospitable to us.

Just last week they began renting a room at a local seminary each Sunday, since they found that the carport surroundings were too distracting for some.

Our family will sort of miss the roosters crowing, the cats wandering around under the chairs and over the tin roof, ants climbing over our feet, the neighbor sweeping her drive, the geckos climbing the walls, and the cries of the vendors passing by.

They also used to have, in addition to a morning service and Sunday School, a weekly lunch potluck. Now that will just be once a month. It's been a good time to practice our language a bit, and to begin building more relationships with local people. It's also giving us more appreciation for the universality of the church, as we worship the Lord with believers of another tongue!

"All nations whom You have made shall come and worship before You, O Lord, and they shall glorify Your name."
Psalm 86:9

1 comment:

thechurchcook said...

Yeah, a new place to meet for worship! Sorry your feathery friends cannot go with you! ;)