Just two years ago, when we lived in our quiet, orderly neighborhood in the U.S., it was uncommon for anyone but the Fed Ex guy and occasionally the mail-lady to come to our door. Okay, our neighbors Jim and Andrea did drop in once in a while, and occasionally a friend would stop by – though almost never unannounced.
But this neighborhood is like another time and another place. Here we live in community resembling nothing I ever imagined.
Friends back home, you know me; a woman with classic introvert tendencies. You know that I treasure my quiet and my privacy. Yet somehow, mysteriously, I find myself delighted to be in such community – one where friends drop by any time to borrow some baking soda or a movie, or to invite us to a soccer game tomorrow.
As I reflect on the visitors to our gate even in just one day, I’m reminded of how vibrant this all really is. The list below is just from today. It may have been a little busier than normal, but not much.
At our gate today…
8 am – a fellow-worker arrives to meet about a project we are coordinating together.
9 am – another fellow-worker drops by to ask Elise to help with a power point presentation.
10:15 – a friend returns a book she had borrowed
11:50 – two street kids come by looking for work
12:15pm – a co-worker’s son drops off his bicycle – Michael will be using it while he’s out of the country (and yes, Michael is VERY excited!)
1:30 – a friend of Elise and Amy's brings a flash drive for Elise
2:45 – “Ate B” picks up school supplies for the Bible Club
2:55 - Michael’s friend comes over to play
3:15 – a couple of unfamiliar women deliver household items to store for a co-worker
3:20 – Bebing arrives from the market with fresh fruits and vegetables and to pray for her cousin with cancer
4:45 – Michael’s friend’s dad and brother come to pick him up and stop to talk
5:10 – a beggar woman asks for food
5:30 – our neighbor stops in to discuss an issue that needs attention
8 pm – two co-workers come to take a photo for an upcoming newsletter
8:10 – another beggar woman looks for food
And finally the gate is locked for the night.
And we are the quiet ones in the community.
So friends, go ahead.
Surprise us.
Show up at our gate, stop in and stay awhile.
We’ll turn the fan your way and bring you a tall glass of something cold to drink.
After we answer the call at the gate.