Saturday, September 24, 2011

in concert

Friday night was the first school music concert of the year.

Amy played with the 'Bandestra,'  
a mix of band and orchestra sounds,

playing 'Georgia On My Mind!'

and with the Violin and Flute Ensemble.
Amy, second from right

3 Violins + 3 Flutes = beautiful music!

Elise sang with the High School Vocal Ensemble.

Elise, second from left

All of these groups performed a wide range of music styles, 
and all of them seemed to be loving what they were doing!

Elise, third from right , with the entire Ensemble

singing 'This Is How It Feels To Be Free'

Thanks to their dedicated and talented music teacher, Mr. B,
and thanks to God, Who gave us voice and song to honor Him.

Michael's looking forward to performing in the next concert on that trumpet!


thechurchcook said...

Amy playing Georgia On My Mind? Well, you guys are on our minds! Miss you all....

us5 said...

and you are on our minds, friend!! ♥